So, we don't grocery shop at just one store. We usually frequent several independent stores, delis, bakeries and of course, our Trader Joe's, Whole Foods and on occasion, Dominick's and Jewel. Add to that list all the other various stores that Francesca and I have visited over the last year and you can only imagine how many shopping carts she has ridden in. I am not kidding when I tell you that within 50 miles of my house, there are not many mothers that actually use the seat buckles in shopping carts. There have been times when I have gone through 10 carts looking for a buckle that wasn't broke and every single time I get a cart with a functioning buckle, the strap is stretched to the max and has to be tightened so that my dear Pepper does not fall out. I find it hard to believe that all those kids that could have been in the carts before her were large enough to not need the strap tightened. This leads me to believe that there are many moms out there that don't take the time to make sure their kids are secure in the carts. I have witnessed, more times than I would have wanted, kids not strapped in and trying to stand up and actually standing up and/or on the verge of falling out and the mom completely oblivious. This makes me so angry!!! Do they realize what would happen if their kid fell? I know what it is like to be in a hurry and be distracted, but I would never be so busy that I didn't have time to strap my kid in.
My point?
I know my shopping carts.
Tonight, it was another trip to Dominick's, but this one happened to be on the North Shore. In fact, we had a lot of errands to accomplish and although this is not the norm, Pepper spent the better half of the day in shopping carts (6 to be exact). Like I said, I always have to tighten the strap. Tonight, at Dominick's, I didn't.
My point?
Pepper is already too pudgy for the North Shore :(
I guess this will be the first and last time she will ever be in a bikini! all those who think that I am serious and upset about her being too pudgy, I'm just kidding. I am not upset, just think it's funny that it was the first time she didn't fit and it just happened to be on the North Shore! Also, I guess she does finally resemble me...from the tummy, down!!!!!
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